Socket Design

The socket serves as the interface between the residual limb and the prosthesis. It must not only protect the residual limb but must also appropriately transmit the forces associated with standing and walking. Our prosthetist will work with you to fit a socket that best matches your needs.

Considerations for a below-knee socket:

Patellar Tendon Bearing (PTB):

This involves using specific anatomy like the patella tendon, popliteal fossa, and the medial flair for weight-bearing.

Total Surface bearing (TSB):

This involves using tension values to uniformly distribute the weight over the entire residual limb.

Considerations for an above-knee socket:

Quadrilateral Socket or Quad:

Wide mediolateral dimension and a narrower anteroposterior dimension.

Ischial Containment Socket ICS or CAT/CAM:

Wide anteroposterior dimension and a narrow mediolateral dimension.

Marlo Anatomical Socket or MAS:

Anatomical design.

Suspension Systems

Every prosthesis requires some type of suspension system to keep it from falling off the residual limb:

Self-suspension: This makes use of the anatomical shape of the residual limb (Syme or knee disarticulation).

Suction suspension: Methods of creating suction suspension include the use of an appropriate suction socket design, a gel liner, suction valve and a gel sleeve. 

Pin and lock/Kiss lock suspension: methods of creating locking mechanism between gel liner and socket with few locking adapters

Harness: These include belts, straps and sleeves